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I'm Troy. I live near Richmond, Virginia, US. My adult daughter has had misophonia since she was in middle school.
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Fonda Neal
I live in Richmond, VA. I have had misophonia since about 10 years old. I also have MCS (self diagnosed). Natural health and wellness is my passion.
Marinell Croson
I live along the Oregon coast in the United States, and am the mother of a 12 year old girl with severe misophonia.
Timothy Wunrow
21 years of age, musician, cyclist, engineering student, misophone, Christian
Ann Marie Devi
Passionate about yoga & a mom seeking healing for my son's Misophonia and Pans/Pandas. Watching and living with him in his journey has led my desire to help other Miso children.
John "The Smooter" Smoot
I'm just a guy with Misophonia and I'm here to talk about it.
Andrea Davis
Founder of Miso Match, connecting Misophonia sufferers to create friendships and local groups, as well as MisoTech, a central place for reviewing products by misophones only.
Adeel Ahmad
Host of the Misophonia Podcast
Noelle Prior
Mom to misophone daughter. Living in Cork, Ireland.