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(they/them) Research Specialist @University of Pittsburgh. CWRU c/o ‘23 with Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Chemistry.
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Vera V
IG: veravlas_
Theo Darling
33 (they/them) — I'm an artist who loves nature, reading, horror movie marathons, and my puppy! I've had misophonia since I was ~12 and severe misophonia for about 2 years.
John "The Smooter" Smoot
I'm just a guy with Misophonia and I'm here to talk about it.
James C.
I'm 36 and have had Misophonia my entire life (along with OCD and anxiety). I wish no one had to experience this, but hopefully we can help each other through it.
Adeel Ahmad
Host of the Misophonia Podcast