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Trying to not let misophonia ruin my life šŸ˜†
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Vera V
IG: veravlas_
Brian Bakes
Extrovert who often has a very hard time being around other people - 38 y/o psychotherapist (LCSW) in private practice - misophone/misokinesiac since far back as I can remember.
John "The Smooter" Smoot
I'm just a guy with Misophonia and I'm here to talk about it.
CJ Gibson
Transcendentalist English/Psych student working to give his turtle a good life.
James C.
I'm 36 and have had Misophonia my entire life (along with OCD and anxiety). I wish no one had to experience this, but hopefully we can help each other through it.
Adeel Ahmad
Host of the Misophonia Podcast
Cassidy Brown
Hi guys! Iā€™m 22 and initially self diagnosed at 12 after researching. After speaking to professionals and actually informing most of them of misophonia I was officially diagnosed!