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I remember having miso since I was about 5 but no one knew about it back then. I just found out about it around 2011 (I am 58 now)
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Michele Krile
I and my middle son have miso. I’m a wife & mom of 3, Christian poet, blogger, nutrition researcher. I'm often overwhelmed and fatigued. Our story is complex, yet God is in it!
Cassidy Brown
Hi guys! I’m 22 and initially self diagnosed at 12 after researching. After speaking to professionals and actually informing most of them of misophonia I was officially diagnosed!
John "The Smooter" Smoot
I'm just a guy with Misophonia and I'm here to talk about it.
Jennifer Altschuler
I'm 50 years old & I've had misophonia for as long as I can remember. I've always felt isolated and crazy. So glad to have found a name for this and other people who relate!
Angelique A
I've had Misophonia since I was a child and I'm still trying to figure it all out.
Adeel Ahmad
Host of the Misophonia Podcast