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Soy estudiante de medicina, tengo 20 años y tengo misofonia desde los 8 años. Hace poco descubrí que era y es difícil hablar de esto con alguien ya que no lo toman como algo serio
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Angelique A
I've had Misophonia since I was a child and I'm still trying to figure it all out.
Aliisa Pääkkönen
I've had misophonia since 2015. It would be lovely to get to know someone who deals with the same type of issues as I do! Feel free to DM me on ig or message me here
Katyushka Mirth
Mum of 8 year old girl with Misophonia.I am her main trigger🥴. My 3 year old has similar reactions🤷🏻‍♀️.Happy to meet other sufferers and learn more.Mum at home. Christian🙏🏻.
Jenny Smit
Hi, I'm Jenny, 51 years young. My home is in the Netherlands where I live in a town in the northern part of Holland.
Lorette D.
I'm 16 yo and I've misophonia for more than 3 years. It's unlivable. I have sessions with a psychiatrist, I'll try "EMDR" and I tried hypnotherapy. Don't hesitate to text me
Mayo Naise
I'm a performance and visual artist living in the UK. I love music, nature and animals. i've had misophonia for 5 years.
Mackenzie Coakley
i’m 23 and i’ve been struggling with misophonia since i was very little. i’m eager to find people i can relate to!
Malorie F.
Hi I'm 18 and I live in Switzerland 😊 I've been suffering from misophonia since I was ~9 years old.
Soledad Betancur
Soy historiadora y fotógrafa aficionada. He tenido misofonía e hiperacúsia desde edad temprana. Nací y vivo en la ciudad de Medellín.
Adeel Ahmad
Host of the Misophonia Podcast